Toby Patrick

Umatilla Delegate and Board of Trustees Member at Large, Confederated Tribes Of The Umatilla Indian Reservation

Toby Patrick is a member of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and serves on the governing Board of Trustees. Through his career, Patrick has served 28 years working with Cultural Resources employed by the Tribe, as well as the Cultural Resource Committee. 

Patrick is known in the community as a spiritual longhouse leader, a culture keeper, and his connection to Willamette Falls spans countless generations in his family. He recounts his first trip to fish for the k’suyas, the eel, as a young boy and the significance of connection to traditional fishing places and connecting with other Native families there from Tribes in the region. Patrick holds that the responsibility to caretake these places, and the fish relatives, is important for the benefit of the netitite, all Indian people. He brings these perspectives to the Board of Directors to lead alongside other Tribal representatives for the betterment of these Falls and the communities connected to them.