Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice marks a time to acknowledge the closing of another cycle, through the longest night of the year. In this cold and quiet time, when the sun is at its lowest point in the sky, we can reflect on our experiences this year, our role in the world, and our hopes for the year to come.

For many nations and people across the globe, Winter Solstice is the new year. Today marks a day to reflect on connectivity, cycles of life and renewal. In celebration of this day, below are some ways to acknowledge and be present with the shift of the seasons.

Set intentions. Cast your attention to the future and set intentions for the coming seasons or for the upcoming year. Write them down, pray on them, believe and you will achieve!

Remember the rhythm of the natural world. Take today as a pause from the schedules and influence of the contemporary world. Listen and move with the timing of water, our ever shifting landscape, and other creatures that rest at this time. Observe nature’s patterns, its warmth, its generosity, and connect with them in a good way.

Hold a moment of gratitude. Visit a special place, or offer thanks or a gift to creation. This process will look different for many people of many cultures, but we all hold the place for ceremony at this time of year.

Reflect. This time provides the ultimate opportunity for deep reflection, growth and giving. With the changing of the season and year, remember our Earth, our non-human relatives, the generations that have come before us, and those who will come after us.

This period of quiet provides an opportunity for deep spiritual reflection, care for the natural world around us, and to prepare for the days of sunlight and warmth ahead.